Free Palestine! ¡Viva Ukraine! Happy Pride!
AlexRdz He/Him • Father • Husband • Chicano

Hola! I'm Alex, a Front End Developer with a passion for smart design and beautiful code.

I'm currently working as a senior software engineer at DHI Group Inc. helping employers and job seekers connect.

Previously I worked as a software engineer at Recount Media. If you don't follow The Recount, you absolutely should.

Over the years, I've gained experience working with various frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. While they all have their merits, I've developed a particular fondness for Svelte. Lately, I've been making a shift towards design systems development, which I find quite engaging.

Personally, I find a certain satisfaction working with the fundamentals - vanilla HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It allows for a more hands-on approach and a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of the Web Platform. I use Processwire CMS/CMF to develop most of my personal/freelance work, which allows me to focus on Web technologies without frameworks or libraries.

This site, however, was built with Astro, a modern static site generator I am currently learning and growing quite fond of for the same reasons I like using Processwire.

When not working, I enjoy spending time with my brilliant wife and two amazing daughters. I love exploring Mexican culinary arts (and perfecting my salsas) and plant-based cooking. I also enjoy listening to, discovering and sharing music, new and old. And when not doing any of the above, I pretend to know how to play music.