Free Palestine! ¡Viva Ukraine! Happy Pride!
AlexRdz He/Him • Father • Husband • Chicano


A list of what I'm into at the moment. updated Mar 19, 2025

Been on a bit of a deep dive lately, exploring the intricacies of CSS layouts with Flexbox and CSS Grid. There's so much more to these powerful tools than I initially realized! It's a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience - it takes some serious thought processing to truly master them.

A big shoutout to Heydon Pickering, Andy Bell, Stephanie Eckles, Jen Simmons, Rachel Andrew, Lea Verou, Una Kravets, and Adam Argyle - they have been invaluable on this journey.

As a result of this exploration, I have abandoned TailwindCSS. I'm rediscovering my enjoyment of writing raw CSS. Tailwind is too much of an abstraction for my preferences - it caused big gaps in my understanding of fundamental concepts. And maintaining larger projects with Tailwind is a bit of a chore and quite frustrating. Debugging in the browser is also not ideal. I much more prefer to toggle properties all under one selector rather than scrolling through a long list of utility classes. There's more but that's all I'll mention for now.

Beyond layouts, I'm also venturing into the world of Web Components and the Declarative Shadow DOM. It's an exciting space with a lot of potential.

Learning Astro, a static site generator, starting with rebuilding this site.

I am deeply concerned with the state of our country, and I am committed to doing my part to make a positive impact. Monsters do exist and we must collectively stop them.

On a lighter note, my music tastes remain all over the place. And rather than creating curated playlists, I decided to just have a place I can dump whatever song I'm in the mood for so here's my WIP: a playlist (of youtube videos) with no agenda. Hopefully you'll find something you like.

And finally spending a little time learning to play the jarana huasteca, a small ukelele-like instrument from Mexico.

Now is the only thing that's real...